Complex & Special Care Training

Many adults and children with complex care needs are now being supported within their home or some form of care settings.


We have provided bespoke complex care training and development for individuals with a diverse range of conditions and requirements. We work with care providers, families, and individual employers to ensure a high level of support and care to both adults and children with complex care needs:

Course Module 1

Few years ago people with complex care or special needs were cared for in hospital setting due to their complex needs, however as hospital beds become more scarce, this is not always possible. This change has led to a necessity for support workers, personal assistants and nurses to receive complex care training.

At ERM Training we have developed a package of complex care training courses and competency assessments that can be delivered individualised to the persons medical and social needs. Courses can also be tailored to the individual setting/circumstance, whether this is as an individual employer, case management, home care provider, residential or nursing home.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Basic Life saving Skills.
  • Boost your Competence/Confidence

Training Courses

Course Module 2

At ERM we have a second module of training that covers areas which both clients and staff may undertake to encourage the following;

  • Promote Privacy & Dignity
  • Promote Quality of Living
  • Promote Infection Prevention

We are approved and accredited by several legislative bodies to ensure your organisation remains compliant. We deliver a number of open courses from our virtual classes to the face to face inhouse tailored towards your organisational needs.

Training Courses


Referee details

Recently finished a placement and need to update your compliance officer with new referee details? Simply complete this short form and we’ll do the rest.

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